Tile Tapper Update #07-09-19c



<align="left"><size=16>-The Editor UI has been completely redesigned with reachability in mind! Here's some stuff done to it!:</size=16></align="left">

-Icons have all been redesigned! Hopefully this is a bit closer to eye candy than "Special Edit" with a hexagon around it.
-Navigation bar no more! Use swipe gestures to swap from tool to tool!
-To reach the extra context menu where you can follow songline, map beats .etc, swipe left on the new play music button! (You can still hold it if you choose as there is a bug with the swiping gesture for that button)
-To reach the build menu swipe up on the tool icon when build mode is active!
-Most menus have been moved to the bottom of the screen for reachability, no more straining those fingers!
-Create Waypoint menu has a bug with the close button, so temporarily you will have to cancel it by swiping down rather than pressing a button.
-Recents Menu has been moved to the right side, you can move it up and down with the rectangular pill at the bottom!
-The Edit toolbox has been moved to the left side, you can move it up and down with the rectangular pill at the bottom!
-The Waypoint bar has been moved to the left side aswell, you can also move this with the rectangular pill.
-The Special Edit Menu for trigger's fade slider will now snap to the lowest value before "INSTANT" if you are close enough to it. This should be a welcomed feature I assume!
-You can now tap on a selected object to deselect it!
-Added Lane Switcher: In a nutshell this can move the level left or right from 1-5 with a movement time that can be selected through the special edit menu!
-Triggers and Lane Switchers also now apply their values to their edit menu. This means you can cancel a change without the trigger going white AND you can finely tweak the trigger from it's original value as soon as the menu opens!
-Added an option to remove loading bars. I've found this very slightly reduces load times (Maybe it's placebo?) so hopefully this helps!

-Recents Tab now disables in song mapping mode
-The Song Mapper now resets song and position as it should
-CreateWaypoint Menu button no longer acts as a main editor press (Temporary fix)
-Songline Indicator no longer goes under 0.
-Moved some UI Elements around in the project viewer and main menu for reachability.
-Fixed the desync issue, turns out it was just the fact the tiles weren't synced with the editor. Now it should sync no matter what phone aspect ratio you have!</size=16></size=20>

There's probably other things I forgot but in a nutshell this level editor was redesigned with the idea of reachability in mind. A similar approach to Samsung's OneUI update, the UI has interactables on the bottom and the uninteractables on the top!
Given this, you obviously aren't supposed to use the editor with one hand, that (probably) won't work as well as you'd intend, but this update should at least stop you from having to move your hand and stretch your fingers as often as was required.



TT_Build7919c.apk 83 MB
Jul 09, 2019

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